
Our partnerships are an essential component of everything we are trying to achieve with our students

Our partnerships

Due to the quality of our provision and high aspirations, the scope of our work is not just linked to where we are based (Northumberland), we have developed positive relationships with the following local authorities, who have placed some of their Young People at Howard House School.

Some of those authorities include:

Awards and recognition

Our partnerships are an essential component of everything we are trying to achieve with our students. Through these partnerships we are able to refine and introduce sucessful strategies. As a student-centred organisation, we believe in sharing our best practise. Through this growth mindset, we have been fortunate enough to have our work recognised by numerous organisations.

Some of these organisations include:

Anti-Bullying Alliance
The Diana Award
Safeguarding COVID-19 Award 2021-22
Operation Encompass Member
LaingBuisson Award Winner 2020