
This section is for teachers and staff at Howard House School

How can you support your student?

Education is exceptionally important. Education enables all peoples to improve their life chances. As educators we have a responsibility and privilege to shape the futures of our students. ‘ClassCharts’ and ‘GCSEpods’ are important tools we can use to support them in achieving their potential at Howard House School. See below a brief explanation on both these tools:

Class Charts:

ClassCharts is an excellent tool to monitor how your student is managing their attitude to learning in school – what is going well for them? what areas could they improve upon?

This is best decribed by one our parents/carers:

“It’s like Twitter and Facebook, you can see real-time how well they are doing in school. I can also see the homeworks they have been set. This helps me support them, even learn with them”.


GCSEpod will enable your young person to learn independently using a variety of electronic devices, such as:

  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Tablet
  • Mobile Phone

It is our hope this excellent resource will allow you, the educator play an active part in monitoring and helping them learn outside the classroom – this will become the way we deliver homework to our students. Recent events show us that parents/carers could be asked to take on the important role of educator with very little warning. I personally feel this resource will help both the school and parents/carers work together to help your young person to continue learning.

In order to access the resource, you will need access to the internet and one of the electronic devices listed above. They can also download a free of charge app that will make entry to the website quicker and more convenient to use on their mobile phones/devices. The school will also be able to track how often they use GCSEpod.

Please click on the links below to access both websites. If you do not have password, please contact the school straight away.

If you would like to find out more, make any comments or provide feedback, please email me at: charlotte.deoliveira@youngfoundations.com